Winter in Gaming – Day 30 // Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games

Every other year we get to witness some new advances in video game technology.  This might be in the form of a new video games console or cutting edge graphics card(s), or perhaps a new peripheral that gives us a new way to experience games such as Virtual Reality, 3D gaming, or even controller technology like motion controls, rumble packs, the analog stick, shoulder buttons…yada yada yada.

If I could time travel back to 1997 and tell that version of me about things like; PlayStation VR, the Nintendo 3DS, Steam Sales, smart phone games being better graphically than anything of that era, local multi-player becoming somewhat a rarity in place of online gaming… 

11 year old me: “Woah! No way!  I wish I could be there now!”

I’d lap it up.

Though if I was to go back to 1997 and tell that version of me that one day… Mario and Sonic will star in a series of games together, and that Sega will stop making console and go on to make a whole load of console exclusive and multi-platform titles, and start to see Nintendo as an ally and not the enemy.

11 year old me:  “AHHHH!!  Stranger Danger, get this deranged psycho away from me”

It would be entirely unthinkable… Continue reading “Winter in Gaming – Day 30 // Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games”

Winter in Gaming – Day 28 // Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

Across the growing number of entries into the coveted Legend of Zelda franchise.  Snow is an environment you’ll rarely find yourself inhabiting.  Ice on the other hand has a little more emphasis through it being a semi recurring dungeon theme, but traversing to these Ice dungeons is not quite the climatic shift that makes a lot of sense (but in a game of such fantasy we can let that fact slide.

An interesting conversation starter to ask any Zelda series fan is what their top 5 or so Zelda games are (don’t ask them to choose just 1 as that’s cruel and the type of thinking I’d expect from Ganon).  So following on from that case study you’ll find that you’ll get different answers when it comes to asking people if they have a particular stand out memory when it comes to snowy experiences across the games.

Continue reading “Winter in Gaming – Day 28 // Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess”

Winter in Gaming – Day 27 // Karaoke Games

When it comes to mixing Singing + Video Games I find usually that their are 2 camps.  The “I love to sing” people, and the “I need to be a certain level of intoxication, then I will oblige”.

For me it depends where I am, and with whom as to whether or not a drink or several for dutch courage is needed for a self confidence boost.

Whilst Karaoke is roughly over half a century old now, the video game counterpart is only just about in it’s teens.  The first major home console karaoke game is Karaoke Revolution which hit Japan in 2003 Continue reading “Winter in Gaming – Day 27 // Karaoke Games”

Winter in Gaming – Day 8 // Pikmin 2 (Valley of Repose)

Today’s entry is less about me running the memory tap on full blast about something from child hood, but more of a suggestion for a wonderful game(s) for you to acquaint yourself with over the colder side of winter.

If you’re reading this on a browser that can background Youtube then here below is the very winter-esque music to put on in the background taken from the featured stage of this article.

To the general gaming masses, Pikmin comes as a very refreshing franchise when compared to it’s video game peers.
At least unless you’re an avid PC gamer, or a player who’s long served their time within gaming and loves strategy games of yore… Continue reading “Winter in Gaming – Day 8 // Pikmin 2 (Valley of Repose)”

Winter in Gaming – Day 4 // New Super Mario Bros.

I’ve been thinking a lot about the New Super Mario Bros. franchise in the past couple of weeks.  When the original came out on the Nintendo DS in 2006 it was highly anticipated.  It had been ages since Nintendo had release a new 2D Mario game, and surely Nintendo would knock it out the park having been behind so many great 2D platform games throughout numerous different series across a variety of different systems.

Continue reading “Winter in Gaming – Day 4 // New Super Mario Bros.”