Winter in Gaming – Day 30 // Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games

Every other year we get to witness some new advances in video game technology.  This might be in the form of a new video games console or cutting edge graphics card(s), or perhaps a new peripheral that gives us a new way to experience games such as Virtual Reality, 3D gaming, or even controller technology like motion controls, rumble packs, the analog stick, shoulder buttons…yada yada yada.

If I could time travel back to 1997 and tell that version of me about things like; PlayStation VR, the Nintendo 3DS, Steam Sales, smart phone games being better graphically than anything of that era, local multi-player becoming somewhat a rarity in place of online gaming… 

11 year old me: “Woah! No way!  I wish I could be there now!”

I’d lap it up.

Though if I was to go back to 1997 and tell that version of me that one day… Mario and Sonic will star in a series of games together, and that Sega will stop making console and go on to make a whole load of console exclusive and multi-platform titles, and start to see Nintendo as an ally and not the enemy.

11 year old me:  “AHHHH!!  Stranger Danger, get this deranged psycho away from me”

It would be entirely unthinkable… Continue reading “Winter in Gaming – Day 30 // Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games”

Winter in Gaming – Day 24 // Christmas Specials!!

2 exclamation points might be a bit much in the title, but you can be the judge.

Today’s post is a light one for actual words, but it’s a gift to all in the terms of highlighting a few of the “Christmas specials” of video game cartoon cross-overs past.

So below, with thanks to the apparent lack of attention given to old cartoon properties and the uploader’s of said specials to make it very easy for us all to indulge together, I bring to you 4 classic episode for you to be entertained by, or most likely to cringe at.

Hey, it’s something you can shove on in the background for over an hour whilst you finish up your gangsta wrappin.

If you watched an episode and want to leave a comment on it (try to keep it short as possible) I’ll quote you and add those comments below each episode in this article as time goes on.  Either drop a tweet to @enter_initials, or hit up this days entry post on the Facebook page and

Super Mario Bros. Super Show – Koopa Klaus

Continue reading “Winter in Gaming – Day 24 // Christmas Specials!!”