Winter in Gaming – Day 14 // This month in Video Game History!

You’re better off getting a trolley and not a basket for today’s post, as you can expect a whole heap of video game name drops for you to fondly remember, or better yet feel driven to go and play.

If you’re an avid follower of video game releases and the video game market in general, you’ll both know and presumably understand that we don’t tend to see quite as many games released in December as we used to.

Most big video game publishers know how the market works.  They’ll ensure they have their big games out between late-September and November to give their titles the headstart before the holiday buying rush.  Time to land themselves a charting position to impress casual buyers plus the advantage of shifting a good chunk of stock to the hardcore gamer who wants his or her new game the day it comes out and need not rely on Christmas lists. Continue reading “Winter in Gaming – Day 14 // This month in Video Game History!”

Winter in Gaming – Day 12 – The Ghost of Christmas Past…

Technically today’s entry isn’t a game to play over winter recommendation, but bear with me because I’d actually like your feedback with this topic later…

Over the weekend I was putting pen to paper in my notepad for more ideas to ensure I could continue these daily posts all the way through to December 31st without having to pad it out with anything I’d consider to just be filler, or something I wasn’t sincerely a fan of to warrant talking about it.

Thankfully I’ve now got enough ideas to not only fill this month, but I have a basis to maybe even return to this idea in 2017 if it seems worthwhile.  One of those ideas that arose was my Christmas list items that didn’t come to be that I still vividly remember to this day, for better or for worse…

Continue reading “Winter in Gaming – Day 12 – The Ghost of Christmas Past…”