Winter in Gaming – Day 13 // Shooting in the Snow!

Day 13 of this pursuit into Wintry related video games is a day to tip the scales towards the adult oriented crowd.  The crowd that probably would give me the Nelson point & “Ha, Ha” insult towards some of more ‘cute’ entries this month.

Today is a look at some of the great snow encumbered stages in history we’ve shot friends and foes alike on.  If you consider some glaring omissions to be going on then get back to me in the comments.  Tweet @enter_initials, hit up the article on the Facebook page, or speak up in the comments section at the bottom of the article.

Oh and before I begin listing some off, this is more directed at multi-player, you can feel free to tout single player snow campaigns that created memories for you.  If I revisit this winter feature in 2017 I’ll make sure to take your mentions on board…

[edit:  Consider this list part 1, as the post went on I knew I had too many for a singular post.  Expect a part 2 soon]

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