Having played the Nintendo Switch… [Part 3]

In case you’re landing here through a search engine or shared link…
Day 1 -> The Switch itself, Sonic Mania, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
Day 2 -> Joy-Cons, 1 2 Switch, Why the price?

Jumping straight back in…

Next on the hitlist of Switch games I played at the event was the new IP “ARMS“.

During the Switch Presentation, the trailer seemed relatively fun, but then afterwards when it became apparent this was to be considered a big title that was asking for £49.99 UK / $59.99 US.  It seemed a bit bare bones for the price.

The Switch UK Premiere had quite a few setups of “Arms” on display so it was relatively easy at any time to get some games in.  Me and one of my friends I was there with were simply walking towards something else at the time and a Nintendo promo team guy was lively and enthusiastic about getting us to play the vacant machine he was in charge of, so it would’ve been rude not too. Continue reading “Having played the Nintendo Switch… [Part 3]”

Winter in Gaming – Day 31 // Fighting Games!!

‘Cause nothing warms you up quicker than rage right?

Ok, just hear me out…

Fighting Games are a great parallel to the New Years Resolutions that an awful lot of people will be claiming to take into the new year.

If you was take a swab of the average video game player who’s played a fighting game, their skill level will likely be the casual button basher type.  Someone with a varied level of familiarity to how these games work and just sort of mash directions and buttons in hopes of pulling off something flashy.

Whilst that might awkwardly get the job done against people who do the same thing.  In reality it’s as if you entered a Pianist competition and in between some beautifully played music by others you simply came in and started whacking keys and hoping for the best. Continue reading “Winter in Gaming – Day 31 // Fighting Games!!”