Winter in Gaming – Day 22 // Gremlins (Lego Dimensions)

So today’s entry is a no brainer when it comes to how it fits.  “Gremlins” remains a cult classic film to this day, even at 32 years old.  If you somehow haven’t seen it, you’ll likely of heard of it.

The film is set in the days before Christmas, so as you might expect this film will long remain in the lexicon of films to watch around the holidays.

Well to the surprise of many.  Gremlins and a whole host of other dated, timeless, and current franchises have been brought back to life and given a faithful recreation through the medium of Lego Dimensions.

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Winter in Gaming – Day 21 // Animal Crossing (Series)

The Animal Crossing series has been offering up some fantastic choice gaming to play over Winter for over 10 years now.

If you’re unfamiliar with the franchise…  Animal Crossing is a laid back virtual life experience.  You do chores, fish, catch bugs, dig up treasures, interact with a plentiful of personalities, make friends, and in the process you earn money, items, and open up more options for what you can do, see, buy, etc.

You can then use the money in many ways to either improve your own highly customisable home, or make improvements to the town you’re surrounded in.

Continue reading “Winter in Gaming – Day 21 // Animal Crossing (Series)”

Winter in Gaming – Day 14 // This month in Video Game History!

You’re better off getting a trolley and not a basket for today’s post, as you can expect a whole heap of video game name drops for you to fondly remember, or better yet feel driven to go and play.

If you’re an avid follower of video game releases and the video game market in general, you’ll both know and presumably understand that we don’t tend to see quite as many games released in December as we used to.

Most big video game publishers know how the market works.  They’ll ensure they have their big games out between late-September and November to give their titles the headstart before the holiday buying rush.  Time to land themselves a charting position to impress casual buyers plus the advantage of shifting a good chunk of stock to the hardcore gamer who wants his or her new game the day it comes out and need not rely on Christmas lists. Continue reading “Winter in Gaming – Day 14 // This month in Video Game History!”

Winter in Gaming – Day 10 // Dead Rising 4

So this past week saw the release of Dead Rising 4 on XBOX One and PC. I was going to save this game as something I’d ask my parents to get me for Christmas, but given the fact I’ve set myself this task of daily wintry gaming write ups, it made sense to find a way to buy it at release.

Well. I’m hear to tell you that if you’re asking for this game for Christmas. Show that lovely generous person this article.  This is a heads up urge by me for you to play this game on Christmas Eve at the latest!
Scroll down to the bold “FUN PART” text for the reason for saying that>
Continue reading “Winter in Gaming – Day 10 // Dead Rising 4”

Winter in Gaming – Day 1 // Diddy Kong Racing

Not everyone celebrates a holiday in the December month, but a good majority of us on the planet endure the winter season at least. (apologies to Australia, and other seasonally hot parts of Earth this feature isn’t so relatable for)

So as a means of kicking off this new site.  To accept winter’s cold grip.  To ring in the holidays.  Plus to also to rehash an idea I did on tumblr years ago that I had fun with and feel I can build upon…

Expect a daily update throughout the month covering anything from a great winter feeling piece of video game music (original & covers), great winter season settings in video games past to present, brief nostalgia bursts of great gaming memories of past holiday breaks from childhood, and whatever else ties in well. Continue reading “Winter in Gaming – Day 1 // Diddy Kong Racing”