Winter in Gaming – Day 17 // Sonic 3’s Ice Cap Zone

I’d like to think this level comes to mind for most video game fans when asked to think about iconic snow/ ice stages in games.  Unless you’re a naive child with no education in 16bit or prior.

Ice Cap Zone was the point in which most kids minds were blown when it came to playing through Sonic 3 (or Sonic 3 & Knuckles).

Within 2 seconds you’re hit with the coolness.  No, not the literal fact that it’s the first Sonic snow stage that you’ll likely of come across*, but the fact that you begin the level riding high speed down mountains on a snowboard, whilst one of the greatest Sonic level songs of all time builds up to it’s catchy chorus.

Once that intro is out the way, level 1 has you swiftly navigating a series of icy caves.  Compared to other stages in Sonic 3 (& Knuckles) this stage was relatively forgiving.  Even as a child I never had any sort of anger aimed at this level, in fact it could arguably be seen as easier than Carnival Night and Launch Base which it is sandwiched between.

It’s almost as if Sega made Ice Cap Zone as a gesture of thanks to players who bought the game(s) and got this far (approx 3/4 into Sonic 3).  Rather than trying to frustrate you, this level almost seems designed to take it easier on you and give you a moment to just enjoy the game rather than be stressing over things like enemies, rings, bottomless pits, or emeralds as a lot of stages before this may of had you cautiously keeping an eye out for.


After an easy mid way boss fight, you’re onto Act 2 of Ice Cap.  This time we’re above land for a little bit, taking in the lush white landscapes of the mountain tops, hitting half pipes and ice covered loops at breakneck speeds because, well…it’s Sonic.

Notably the music changes mildly for this stage, as if to dynamically tell you you’re getting somewhere.  After more fun through the caves you’re eventually interrupted by Dr Robotnik (Eggman) who has a somewhat time consuming fight with you based on him trying to freeze you whilst you wait for the opening to get a hit in on his machine.

Nothing too strenuous to overcome as far as Sonic boss fights go, but let’s not take anything away from how great of a productive evil scientist Eggman is, applaud him for him to keep churning out all these advanced robotics-If their is a fan fiction online of Robotnik being a deep Tony Stark esque character please send me the link-.
Once the boss fight is over, we have to unfortunately say goodbye to Ice Cap Zone, and go onwards towards finishing the Sonic 3 portion to the Sonic 3 & Knuckles saga.

If the Sonic franchise missed an opportunity, it’s that more levels could’ve benefited from some sort of cool new take on how you started them like how Ice Cap Zone did.  Sonic Adventure 2 learned from this stage with it’s “City Escape” stage which has you streetboarding? through San Francisco-esque streets,  but we could’ve used more of these if you ask me.

Ice Cap made a return later on down the line in Sonic Adventure, this iteration also get’s a revisit in the Lego Dimensions Sonic level pack in the free roam area aspect to the game.  I’m certain most people will agree Sonic 3’s Ice Cap Zone is the better trip to this region (although you do get to do some more snowboarding).

Now to pull back that little asterisk I placed earlier…  Sonic’s first taste of an icy world was technically in Icy Isle Zone in the SegaSonic the Hedgehog arcade game that couldn’t be any more of a rarity in this day.