Winter in Gaming – Day 5 // Holiday Lemmings

Today’s entry is something I would’ve absolutely lost my mind for around it’s time (1991-1994).

From what I can gather 2 annual Christmas themed demo’s were released first, I would assume these would’ve been with magazines of the era as that was a pivotal way to get game demo’s back in the day, something cartridge based systems have always lacked.

After 2 annual demo’s (made to advertise and sell you on buying the original games, or give those whom had done a small festive themed chaser drink I suppose) followed by 2 more substantial level packs costing more akin to a full retail game. Unfortunately I’d blame my age for not knowing these existed whilst already being a big fan of the game Lemmings.

I got Lemmings around the age of 6 or 7 for my Super Nintendo. Other than Tetris on Game Boy & NES, and a couple of weird things I’d played on a pirate Chinese Game Boy cart my dad once showed up with, it was one of my first monumental “puzzle game” experiences. I loved it. I felt so proud of myself when I got further in the game than I had prior, and recall bragging to my mother at my feats. I’m pretty sure she gave the single and multiplayer a shot on a couple of occasions with me too.


These Christmas Lemmings specials didn’t make it to Super Nintendo though, and whilst I did go on to get an Amiga 1200 during the early-mid 90s, I wasn’t too clued up on the gaming scene for it as I would’ve liked to of been now that I’ve come to learn more of it over the years.

I never would want to be one to actively promote piracy but as far as I know there is no real way to get this release any more other than through emulation.  A quick google search puts up high a site called Abandonia, which has a file compatible with DOSBOX for you to look into if you fancy seeking out and playing this game with it’s peppy Christmas themed soundtrack and all.  Click the text below to visit the page.

>>Holiday Lemmings Pack @ Abandonia<<

If this game gets re-released through it’s parent company, I’ll update the links on this page to that source.