Having Played the Nintendo Switch… [Part 2]

No formalities.  Just continuing on from Yesterday.

No pun intended, but after getting to grips with Zelda, Sonic Mania, and Mario Kart 8, and trying out the Switch’s numerous play styles (TV, Tabletop, Handheld).  I figured I’d seen enough to get my seal of approval.  I was sold on the idea.

  Though to be fair, I don’t put up much of a fight when it comes to buying games consoles.  I was raised on video games, I collect them, I could talk about them all day, I gradually get tattoo’s of them, and ven though I’m armed with a smartphone swelling with games, I still pretty much go everywhere with at least one handheld on me.

Whether it’s my little cereal prize sized Game Boy Micro, my 3DS, my Vita, or even my little GPD XD Android handheld.  The idea of ever being sat somewhere with nothing to do is probably an irrational fear of mine, unless I’m sunbathing on holiday, where I’ll happily stare into space and find zen, and not just because the sun causes screen glare and prevents any gaming, honest >_>.

GPDXD – Amazon UK // GPDXD – Amazon USA

As I was saying though.  I’m not the market that Nintendo need to convince.  So unless you were already an existing Nintendo fan, or just fancied treating yourself to what was new in the world of gaming devices, then I’d totally understand if you’re on the fence to this point.  Stay with me though…here’s where I go into the next and possibly greatest revelation I had with the Switch. Continue reading “Having Played the Nintendo Switch… [Part 2]”