Winter in Gaming – Day 19 // Banjo-Kazooie’s Freezeezy Peak

The majority of entries to this month long feature have understandably been more of a nod to the cold side of winter, with no real holiday attachment other than perhaps some musical cues that lead you to imagine it’s festively inspired.

Well today’s entry knows nothing of being subtle.  Freezeezy Peak in Banjo-Kazooie (for N64, and re-released on XBOX 360 and XBOX One).

Continue reading “Winter in Gaming – Day 19 // Banjo-Kazooie’s Freezeezy Peak”

Winter in Gaming – Day 1 // Diddy Kong Racing

Not everyone celebrates a holiday in the December month, but a good majority of us on the planet endure the winter season at least. (apologies to Australia, and other seasonally hot parts of Earth this feature isn’t so relatable for)

So as a means of kicking off this new site.  To accept winter’s cold grip.  To ring in the holidays.  Plus to also to rehash an idea I did on tumblr years ago that I had fun with and feel I can build upon…

Expect a daily update throughout the month covering anything from a great winter feeling piece of video game music (original & covers), great winter season settings in video games past to present, brief nostalgia bursts of great gaming memories of past holiday breaks from childhood, and whatever else ties in well. Continue reading “Winter in Gaming – Day 1 // Diddy Kong Racing”