Winter in Gaming – Day 24 // Christmas Specials!!

2 exclamation points might be a bit much in the title, but you can be the judge.

Today’s post is a light one for actual words, but it’s a gift to all in the terms of highlighting a few of the “Christmas specials” of video game cartoon cross-overs past.

So below, with thanks to the apparent lack of attention given to old cartoon properties and the uploader’s of said specials to make it very easy for us all to indulge together, I bring to you 4 classic episode for you to be entertained by, or most likely to cringe at.

Hey, it’s something you can shove on in the background for over an hour whilst you finish up your gangsta wrappin.

If you watched an episode and want to leave a comment on it (try to keep it short as possible) I’ll quote you and add those comments below each episode in this article as time goes on.  Either drop a tweet to @enter_initials, or hit up this days entry post on the Facebook page and

Super Mario Bros. Super Show – Koopa Klaus


Earthworm Jim – For Whom the Jingle Bell Tolls

Earthworm Jim Cartoon S2 E07 For Whom the…

The Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog – Sonic’s Christmas Blast

Pokémon – Holiday Hi-Jynx

Pokemon – 063 – Holiday Hi-Jynx [DarkDream]

The above episode is taken out of syndication due to the racially insensitive portrayal of Jynx.  Later on the character was recoloured to be purple and not black.  So overlook that fact.

I’ll definitely be bringing this feature back next year with a few more episodes hand picked.  So if their is something really corny you wanted then it either had no Christmas episode for that particular show, or it’s being saved for a future installment.